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Cavities Between the Teeth: How Will You Know If You Have One?

April 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — silvercreekteam @ 7:48 pm
Woman sitting on bed rubbing jaw looking concerned

Sometimes a cavity might appear between two of your teeth. This is referred to as an interproximal cavity, and it can be a tricky dental issue to deal with since you may not even realize that you have it. To keep your smile safe, you should take the time to learn as much as possible about interproximal cavities, including why they form, how you can know if they’re present, and how they can be treated via restorative dentistry.

What Can Cause Cavities Between the Teeth?

Cavities are small holes that form in your teeth due to decay. They are often a consequence of plaque buildup. The bacteria in plaque can produce acids that gradually wear down your enamel, eventually leading to cavities.

Since the spaces between your teeth can be difficult to clean properly, it can be all too easy for plaque to accumulate in these areas. The longer the plaque remains in place, the higher the chances of an interproximal cavity forming.

How Can You Tell If You Have a Cavity Between Your Teeth?

Early on, interproximal cavities don’t cause any obvious symptoms, so the most reliable way to catch them is with an X-ray taken during one of your routine dental appointments. That said, once the cavity reaches its more advanced stages, you may start to notice certain warning signs. In particular, the tooth may be more sensitive than normal, causing you discomfort whenever you eat anything that’s hot, cold, or sweet.

How Can Cavities Between the Teeth Be Treated?

Like other cavities, interproximal cavities can often be treated with a filling. Once the decayed parts of the tooth are removed, the empty space can be filled in with special material, which helps prevent the problem from spreading further.

For cavities that have reached the pulp of your tooth, a root canal treatment might be required. This procedure involves removing the infected pulp and thoroughly cleaning the inside of the tooth to get rid of harmful bacteria. The tooth will need to be restored with a crown afterward.

In the worst-case scenario, a tooth with an interproximal cavity that went untreated for too long might need to be extracted. Note that this procedure will only be considered if other forms of treatment have already been ruled out; when given the choice, your dentist will always prefer to save your teeth.

Interproximal cavities can be a serious threat to your oral health, but it is possible to have them caught and treated before any further harm is done. Call your dentist immediately if you think there may be a cavity between your teeth.

About the Practice

At Silver Creek Dentistry, our dentists always take the time to listen carefully to our patients so that they can truly meet all of their dental needs. When it comes to decayed teeth, we offer multiple solutions, including fillings, crowns, and root canal treatments. To schedule an appointment at our office in Ripon, visit our website or call (920) 748-7200.