As summer winds down and the school year approaches, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of new classes and activities. However, there’s one essential aspect you shouldn’t overlook: your oral health. A healthy smile not only boosts your confidence but also prevents potential dental issues down the road. To help you keep your smile in top shape, here are some tips for maintaining excellent oral hygiene as you head back to school.
(more…)Back-to-School Oral Health Tips for a Winning Smile
August 6, 2024
What Material Should Your Dental Crown Be Made Out Of?
July 12, 2024
When a tooth is badly damaged, a dental crown can be an excellent way to repair it. And with CEREC 1-visit crowns, you won’t have to wait too long to enjoy a restored grin. But before you commit to getting a dental crown, it’s important to remember that this type of restoration can be made from a wide range of materials. What kind of crown should you get? Here’s a brief look at some common options.
(more…)What You May Not Know About Your Dental Checkups
June 14, 2024
It’s a common misconception that a dental checkup is only designed to check for cavities, gum disease, infection, and damage. While these preventive visits allow dentists to thoroughly examine your teeth and gums, there is a good chance that your dental professional is looking at other areas of your mouth as well. Keep reading to discover a few things you may not know about these visits and what your dentist may be looking for when checking your smile.
(more…)How Long Will It Take for Your Mouth to Heal from Gingivitis?
May 10, 2024
Once gum disease turns into periodontitis, it can become a serious threat to your oral health. Luckily, if your gum disease is still in the gingivitis stage, then it may still be possible for you to reverse it. But just how long will it take for your mouth to heal from the condition? And what exactly do you need to do to restore the health of your gums? Learning the answers to these questions could make all the difference when it comes to protecting your smile.
(more…)Cavities Between the Teeth: How Will You Know If You Have One?
April 13, 2024
Sometimes a cavity might appear between two of your teeth. This is referred to as an interproximal cavity, and it can be a tricky dental issue to deal with since you may not even realize that you have it. To keep your smile safe, you should take the time to learn as much as possible about interproximal cavities, including why they form, how you can know if they’re present, and how they can be treated via restorative dentistry.
(more…)Your Permanent Tooth is Loose—What Happens Next?
March 15, 2024
Growing up, a loose tooth was a source of excitement, offering a sign that you were growing up and would soon get a rewarding visit from the Tooth Fairy. But these days, feeling something wiggle in your mouth isn’t exactly a reason to jump for joy. If one of your permanent teeth feels loose, what should you do about it? Can you stop it from falling out completely? Here’s why this may be happening as well as a step-by-step guide to take control of the situation.
(more…)Do You Have Arthritis in Your Jaw?
February 28, 2024
When most people hear the word “arthritis,” they probably imagine creaky knees, hands, or elbows. But did you know it’s possible to develop arthritis in the jaw? It’s more common than you might think, but fortunately, getting ahead of it and seeking out treatment is fairly straightforward these days. If your jaw frequently pops or gets “stuck,” you should definitely keep reading.
(more…)Caring for Your Dental Implants – The Do’s and The Don’ts
December 14, 2023
Dental implants are a preferred tooth replacement option, as they offer so many benefits that you can’t experience from dentures and dental bridges. However, it is crucial that you are caring for them properly to ensure that they remain in good shape. With excellent maintenance, dental implants can last for several decades or even the rest of your life! Here are some of the do’s and don’ts of dental implant care.
(more…)How Long Can I Expect My Dental Crown to Last?
November 3, 2023
Your teeth are pretty darn strong—in fact, the enamel that covers them is technically the hardest substance in your whole body! That said, accidents can still happen, and sometimes your teeth might become injured due to damage, decay, or something else entirely. For these scenarios, dental crowns are often the go-to treatment, as they’re capable of restoring a tooth in terms of look, feel, and functionality while giving it a second lease on life. But just how long are they capable of lasting? Continue reading to learn more about a few of the factors that impact the lifespan of dental crowns, along with a few dentist-approved tips to keep yours intact for the foreseeable future!
(more…)National Dental Hygiene Month Is Here! Here’s How You Can Participate
October 20, 2023
October is usually known for scary movies, haunted houses, fun costumes, and delicious candy. However, this month also marks another special occasion: National Dental Hygiene Month! In addition to celebrating dental hygienists and all of the incredible work they do, this is observed to help raise awareness of the importance of prioritizing your oral health. If you’re unsure where to start, don’t worry – you can read on to learn three oral care tips you can start implementing today.